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How to Find The Right Leaders for Your Company with Executive Search

Attracting and retaining executive talent can be more difficult than finding candidates for other positions. Not only do you need to find a candidate with the industry knowledge and technical skills to drive your business forward, but they also need to share your company values to successfully promote your mission and lead others. Sourcing the right leaders for your businesses means thinking about your recruitment processes with executives in mind. At Jackson Grant, we’re experts in executive search recruitment. Here are our top tips for businesses thinking about how to find leaders quickly and efficiently.

  1. Define the Role

    One of the most overlooked steps in finding executive talent is defining the exact requirements and responsibilities of the role you are looking to hire for. Different executive positions, industries and businesses will need leaders with specific skills, experiences, and qualifications. And different workforces thrive best under different leadership styles. Think carefully about the kind of person you are looking for, let your hiring manager know what you’re looking for and make this clear in any job descriptions or branding materials you create.

  2. Tap Into Your Network

    When thinking about how to find leaders, it’s important not to neglect one of the most powerful tools at your disposal – your network of industry contacts! Unlike candidates for more junior roles, executive talent is often not actively job hunting. To access the highest quality executives, you need to be proactive in approaching them. Use professional networks, industry connections and referrals from your current leadership team to make new connections. Having a business presence at networking events, conferences, and industry gatherings can also be valuable opportunities for building awareness of your company as a great place to work.

  3. Build a Strong Brand Reputation

    Because the very best executive talent can afford to wait for the right offer from the right business it’s important to make your employer brand a key part of your leadership recruitment. Cultivate a positive employer brand by showcasing your company culture, values, and commitment to employee development and well-being. Make use of multiple platforms, such as LinkedIn, your website, and industry press to reach a wider audience of potential leadership candidates.

  4. Put Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Front and Centre

    Companies that embrace diversity at every level of their organisation are more innovative, more creative, and ultimately more profitable. Employees from diverse backgrounds are going to be looking to your executive team for leadership, mentorship, and guidance, so it’s important that your leaders reflect the diversity of your workforce. For example, only 32% of leadership positions in the APAC region are held by women, but across the region women often account for upwards of 50% of the workforce. It’s important that any DEI initiatives and strategies that you build into your wider recruitment processes are also reflected in your executive hiring. 

  5. Offer Competitive Compensation

    When you are thinking about how to find leaders and how best to attract them to your business it’s important to offer competitive compensation. However, while pay is an important driver for executive talent, it is not their only motivation for taking a role. Think about your executive compensation holistically. Include other benefits alongside your salary offering; you might consider your bonus scheme, offering stock options and other executive perks.

    You should also think about how your benefits package appeals to leadership talent from diverse demographics, more flexible working for example may appeal more to those with caring responsibilities. Whatever package you offer, ensure that it is attractive and aligned with industry standards.

  6. Provide Growth and Development Opportunities

    Executive candidates are by their nature driven individuals who are looking for opportunities to further their careers and make a significant impact within a dynamic and growing company. When hiring you should be highlighting any opportunities you have for professional growth, career advancement, and leadership development within your organisation.

  7. Rethink the Recruitment Process

    Show that you respect the time of executive talent by ensuring your recruitment process is as efficient and transparent as possible. Minimise delays and keep candidates informed at every stage of the hiring process. Think about how many interviews and assessments you are asking candidates to undertake and always make sure that you involve key stakeholders and team members in the interview process to gain diverse perspectives on executive candidate’s potential.

  8. Consider Using an Executive Search Agency

    Of course, partnering with an executive search agency like JacksonGrant can help you implement these tips effectively. We can help you access a broader network of executive talent, streamline your recruitment process, and build your employer brand. We also have specialised expertise in identifying, attracting, and evaluating top candidates to ensure a successful executive hire.

How Does Executive Search Work?

At JacksonGrant we act as your dedicated executive recruitment partner. This means we work closely with you to understand your unique requirements and goals. So, we only shortlist candidates who are a perfect match. Using cutting edge, proven methodologies, interviews, and assessments, we can find talented executives from across Thailand and Southeast Asia who will drive your business forward.

And, because we are members of the Association of Executive Search and Leadership Consultants (AESC) and IIC Partners Executive Search Worldwide we give you access to unparalleled global talent networks as well as tailored advice and support.

JacksonGrant has earned a reputation as Thailand’s leading recruitment specialists in Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Industrial Technology sectors. Our success comes from an innovative approach, clear communication, and a commitment to fully engage with our clients’ industries.

If you are interested in how to find leaders for your business using our executive search services get in touch with one of our team today to discuss how we can help meet your needs.